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We're Alister and Andrew. We love facilitating new outcomes, bringing innovation out of conversations. And good coffee!

A bit more...

Andrew Pope
Partner & Consultant

My passion is creating workplace environments that stimulate conversations and innovation, through employee experiences, collaboration and innovation techniques.

As an innovation manager in a global engineering firm, my brief was to ‘make us be more innovative’. And that was it. Except that there wasn’t any budget. And so there began my approach to working on the behaviours rather than the tools – let the people drive the change. It’s more effective, sustainable and brings the best out of both people and the tools.

I started my journey as an environmental scientist, starting quite literally at the dirty end, measuring industrial emissions. From there, I have run several millions of dollars of projects, giving me a fantastic insight into client needs, business process, and how teams & individuals work in complex organisations.

This experience and a sense of curiosity took me into enterprise, running technology, innovation and knowledge management projects and collaboration initiatives within the engineering and finance sectors. And it's always been about the people! Now at Innosis, I work with some amazing companies, facilitating ideation, running workshops to build trust in collaboration and designing innovative workplaces around their social collaboration tools.

Outside of work, I am passionate about the outdoors, whether through cycling, hiking, photography or just quietly appreciating it with a coffee.

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Alister Webb
Partner & Consultant

My journey began in the early days of Intranets when I participated first hand in their evolution from static web pages to dynamic content management systems. More recently this has evolved into a world of collaboration tools and social platforms. Ultimately though, change isn’t about technology, it’s about the people we provide it for.  This has been my passion, to bring the people along on the journey so that they feel a part of these exciting changes - a win-win for individuals and the organisation.


My modus operandi is to constantly look for opportunities to leverage technology so it can accelerate business processes, improve ways of working, and stimulate thinking. Within a major telecommunications firm I pioneered the use of crowd-sourced internal expertise to solve business problems - focusing on the community aspects rather than a top-down, technology orientated approach. Not only did this bring significant commercial benefits, it also helped to release the combined knowledge and IP of a sizeable workforce.


Today we have a myriad of tools supporting KM and collaboration. Yet every day in my work as a social enterprise consultant I’m reminded that throwing platforms at a problem does not guarantee success. It does not bring the people along with us. Money is wasted if we don't evolve collaborative behaviours and do the simple things like ensure everyone is working towards a shared and understood goal

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